Rate My Service – Dublin City Council

Built in partnership with Dublin City Council, the Rate My Service platform uses open source data to provide a multimodal transit app for the Dublin City area.

The application developed by Compass Informatics aims to help passengers plan their journey and provide valuable insight so their experience

Passengers can use the app to navigate the city and provide the operators with valuable, real-time feedback.

About Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council is the democratically selected and largest Local Authority body in Ireland and takes the lead role in shaping the strategic vision of the city.

It provides a diverse, multilayered and evolving range of services to both citizens and visitors to Dublin which include the provision of;

  • Housing
  • Planning
  • Development
  • Environmental
  • Roads and Traffic
  • Leisure
  • Community Services.

Project Requirements

The primary objective is to provide a mechanism that directly engages public transportation users and leverages Open Data. 

The platform provides public transportation users with intuitive user-friendly and engaging displays that quickly and efficiently captures their feedback in real time.

The crowd-sourced data captured must be then used to generate analysis relating to stop performance. 

Compass’ Solution – Rate My Service

Compass Informatics developed a mobile application (both iOS and Android) for passengers and an online portal for transport operators to review and interrogate the data insights provided by the users.

Key features include:

  • Find your nearest stop
  • Pick your location from a map
  • Filter by Operator
  • Offline access
  • Favorite stops and routes
  • Watch your stops and get live notifications
  • Rate your stops & services

Solution Snapshot

About Compass

Compass Informatics is an Irish company providing location technologies and data analytics solutions which enable government and commercial organisations to deliver more efficient operations, protect their assets and meet regulatory requirements.   

Compass Informatics’ services include GIS & Data Analytics, IT Systems Development and Location Technologies and the company has won awards for their innovative solutions and focus on sustainability.

Compass leverages the latest technologies to achieve full-service project delivery including; Big Data Analytics, AI, Cloud, Mobile, GIS and Satellite-based Earth Observation amongst others. 

Compass Informatics  are part of Tracsis Plc.

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To learn more about this project, and how the solution provided may benefit your organisation, please contact our government solutions team at info@compassinformatics.com.